Ash-Shaikh H. Abdul Nazar

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official website of
H. Abdul Nazar

مرحبا بكم
في الموقع الرسمي
لفضيلة الشيخ
عبد الناصر بن حنيفة

من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين




09th Ramadhaan, 1415
10th February, 1995

Mr. M.N.M. Kamil Asad.
“Haniffa Villa”
North Road,

Dear Brother-in Islam,

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakaatuh.

It was, really, a shock when I received the news of the death of your illustrious father. It has created at present a vacuum, which cannot be easily filled.

Both the country and the Muslim Community have lost a faithful statesman. Your father’s piety in being a devout Muslim is unmatched in the contemporary era of his statesmanship. His honesty and integrity together with broad knowledge won admiration of everyone. It was the mainstay of his career as an M.P., Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning and Minister of Finance and Planning.

I take this opportunity to express my profound condolences to you and the rest in your family especially to your loving mother, brother and sister on my behalf and on behalf of the members of my family.

You know words are poor expressers. But still I send this message to you to console you with sincere fraternal feelings.

May Almighty Allah bless your beloved father with eternal bliss and grant him Jannat Al-Firdaws and may you and your loving mother, brother and sister have the courage to face this difficult situation and the future with equanimity and fortitude!

Wassalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakaatuh.

Fraternally yours,

Ash-Shaikh H. Abdul Nazar
Head, Arabic and Shari’ah Dept.,
Daar Al-Uloom Al-Meezaniyyah


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